Elements of Rejuvenation & Joy
The elements of designing one's dwelling simply involves space, light, color, material, scent and the integration of living accents. Only you know what resonates with you, what relaxes you, what recharges you ... if not, that's OK, too.
After all, life is discovery and learning about the world and very importantly, about ourselves and our place in this universe!
To start, how much space do you have to work with and once personalized, would it still look like a spacious sacred place within which one can feel at comfortable and at ease? If you are one who values balance or if you veer in one direction or the other, adjust positive and negative space in a way that allows your energies to be recharged.
Nothing tops the beauty and brilliance of natural sunlight. It illuminates the splendor of every color, every shape, every texture while also fostering life itself. For many of us, light also has an effect on our mood and how productive we are given its temperature (red vs. blue dominance ~ 2700-6500K) & luminance (lumens: 450-1600W).
Any space would be as lifeless and useless without its magical simplicity and joy. Depending upon the purpose of a given space, and whether we want to create mood or support function, light temperature and lumens need to be selected accordingly. The only exception would be accent lighting that might go in either direction.
While color studies have been done, I don't buy into their mappings completely as these do not take into account one's individuality and personal affinities. The color or theme of a room once again depends upon how a space will be used. If you wish to be at ease, unwind, relax, red may not lend itself as well as perhaps blue or green or even a scenery be it a mural or looking through glass to the outside … Each space will take on its own character and will foster a different life modality in relation to its specific color harmony.
Organizing color into geometric symmetries or patterns can add depth of character to a space … too much may be akin to too much sugar in your cereal.
Materials ~ Textures
Surfaces, depending upon constituent materials, will have physical characteristics that bring with them energies of various dimensions. These elements can range from giant crystals to stone and from woods to fabrics. If chosen and arranged carefully these will exude the warmth and regenerative qualities you wish to feel in your spaces.
If a feeling of tranquility or even sacredness is part of what you call home, then the aromatherapy of natural scents is an obvious must-have. Scents can be easily circulated using herbs & spices, candles, essential oil burners, …
Living Accents
It has so often been said that if you wish to replenish your soul then you should step out and spend time in Nature. A way to bring Nature home is by allowing plants to be a part of your decor. They add their lush green, multi-colored variations and present you with fresh air and let you feel a part of Nature itself as you've integrated its grace into your life. Take care of Nature and it will take care of You!
If you´re looking for much more detail than that, then you´re overthinking it. Visualizing and designing your space is something that is felt and experienced as is the atmosphere that results ... from the elements listed above, some will resonate with you. Simply harmonize them in each space. That is the Bohemian way ~
On another note ...